
Monday, March 28, 2011

I WAS in Minneapolis

The second ARLIS/NA + VRA joint conference was held in Minneapolis, March 24-28, 2011. I was on the program for the first day of presentations on a panel called "Beyond the Silos of the LAMS..." talking about how we are developing our curriculum in Cultural Heritage Informatics.

Turns out that I must confess my ignorance - Minneapolis is a great place to visit, has a very active arts community in all areas and the star of all for me was the gorgeous Guthrie Theatre, in a new-ish building designed by Jean Nouvel.
I saw 2 productions there in my short stay and thoroughly enjoyed them both.  More on this trip later. Just putting in a place holder really.

Friday, August 13, 2010

me with poster. coffee was doing nothing for me

Edward Petherbridge, star of stage and screen, with poet John Betjeman at St. Pancras Station

photos trickling in!

can't do everything on the iPad afterall but i am getting there. Laptop due home from computer vet soon. More photos coming.

British Library, with the gloriously restored St. Pancras in the background

Home again

After a smooth but long journey I'm happy to be back in Natick with cat and husband. I managed to limp through the endless miles of Heathrow - I discovered that the name Heathrow actually comes from the old Anglo-Saxon meaning "must walk nine miles in every direction" - I wish I could foresee a long week with my feet alternately soaking and being massaged but the future looks a lot less sybaritic! Once I get my few pictures downloaded I'll write a final summarizing post and pjt this trip to rest. Cheers a d stay tuned. M


About Me

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I am now retired from a long career and enjoying a well earned rest. Well sort of. I worked with photographs and all kinds of visual materials for over 40 years, taught I the library school ant Simmons, and managed a massive print inventory project at the Boston Public Library.